ANSA Silicon is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions using BACT for pollution control system, through process improvement, green belt development.


The Prominent features of Pollution Control System

  1. There will be continuous emission monitoring system which will record the levels of emission 24 hours a day. The data will be recorded in a computer and will be linked to Ecological department website. The data will also be displayed in a LCD at the main entrance of the factory and also at the SPZ.
  2. Micro-silica will be filtered in the bag house of Pollution control system and thereby clean gas will be directed to atmosphere through chimney of height 30 meters minimum. The induced draft fan will push the clean gas through chimney to a very high level in the air so that it will settle at a greater distance from Ekibastuz city.
  3. The bag house filter media will be of high quality glass fibre material with filtration efficiency more than 99%.
  4. Micro-silica will be packed in double lines polypropylene bags and will be stored on a concrete floor covered under shed so that it will not come in contact with soil. Around three months stock can be stored in the shed. The stock status of micro-silica will also be displayed in the LCD at the main entrance of the plant.
  5. Silica fume has been assessed and registered under REACH. The outcome of the hazard assessment as outlined in the Chemical Safety Report (CSR) is that Silica Fume is not hazard-classified.

The CSR executive summary can be downloaded here:

ANSA Silicon shall take all precautionary measures for storage, handling and dispatch of micro-silica to customers even though it is not hazard-classified.

  1. When Pollution control system will be under maintenance or malfunctioning, plant will shut down automatically due its online linkage with pollution control system.

Other environment friendly features of the Plant

  1. Water will be circulated in closed circuit. Only make up water is required for evaporation loss. The plant will maintain zero discharge water system. There will be heat exchanger cooling system which is costlier and modern than conventional evaporative cooling tower to minimise make up water consumption.
  2. The silicon metal process does not generate huge solid waste like other ferro alloy products i.e. FeCr, SiMn, FeMn. The process generates very little slag (20-25 kg per ton of Silicon Metal) unlike other ferroalloys that generates approximately 900 kg and more depending on the purity of raw materials. This is due to the fact that it uses a very high purity raw material (more than 99.0% SiO2 quartz) which contains very less impurities. The raw materials for other ferroalloy products are less pure and contain substantial amount of impurities which come out as slag or solid waste along with the main product. That is why Silicon metal process is described as slag less process and hence nothing much is mentioned about slag/solid waste. When substantial amount will be generated and accumulated, it will be sold to foundry units.
  3. A solid waste is something that is discarded, and is of zero value. It is stockpiled and creates environmental issues. But micro silica is a by-product and has an economical value which is utilized in many products like cement, refractory, chemical.
  4. There are no base metals, radiation elements or other harmful materials which are associated in this process.
  5. All raw materials are used in lump form. Therefore, there will be very less fines generation during transportation, screening and feeding to the furnaces. There will be secondary pollution control system to arrest the pollution generated during handling of raw materials.
  6. All transfer points in the raw material handling sections are covered with chutes and dry fog system to avoid any fugitive dust generation.
  7. Post taphole and finished product handling section shall be equipped with secondary pollution control system.
  8. 40 percent of land will be utilized for green belt development to keep the atmosphere fresh and clean.
  9. The plant sanitary wastewater including canteen effluent generated would be treated in the sewage treatment plant. The treated wastewater would be collected in a pond within the plant to be used for plant green belt purpose. All measures shall be taken for waste to be reused or recycled as effective as possible.
  10. Plant will be applying for ISO 9000 system certification to have world standard management system.
  11. ANSA Silicon will put emphasis on its social responsibility and shall comply with and respect laws and regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.